Wednesday, July 25, 2012

ODTUG APEXposed 2012!

Three important questions for you:

  1. Did you want to go to the ODTUG Kscope12 conference but couldn't make it because of "[insert excuse here]"?
  2. Do you have an interest in learning about Oracle Application Express 4.2, APEX Listener 2.0, HTML 5, jQuery, plug-ins and more?
  3. Have you always wanted to visit the beautiful city of Montreal, Quebec, but never had a good reason?

Well...have I got the conference for you!  ODTUG is sponsoring another APEXposed conference.  The next one is scheduled for September 11/12 2012 in Montreal, Quebec.  If you've been around Oracle Application Express for even a short period of time, you'll surely recognize the names of these presenters.  And the content for this conference is very strong (as is the case for all of the ODTUG conferences that I've been to).

I thoroughly enjoy the ODTUG conferences for Oracle Application Express - very little fluff, all worthwhile technical content and education.  Until August 15, 2012, registration is 399 USD.


  1. Joel,
    Site-Specific Tasks ==>
    Application Express Discussion Forum
    link is broken (jspa instead of jsp) in login page.

  2. Balaji,

    Thank you very much. It's corrected now.

