Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Application Express 4.2 Early Adopter instance going away...

It was just 3 short months ago that Application Express 4.2 Early Adopter was made available.  As of September 21, 2012, the Application Express 4.2 Early Adopter site will no longer be available.  The database will be permanently removed.  If you need to export anything, please do it well before September 21, 2012.  There will be no hope of restoration or recovery after this day.

The Application Express demonstration instance at has been upgraded to a pre-production version of Application Express 4.2.  This effectively replaces the Early Adopter instance.

We have received a tremendous amount of feedback, suggestions and bug reports.  The participation by over two thousand users was the the most we've ever had.  Once again, we are grateful to the APEX community for their interest, participation and support.


  1. and we'd like to thank you and your team for your continued efforts in making our(developer's) easier and better.

  2. Hi Joel, I'm trying to sign up for an account / workspace on, but the image verification step appears to be broken, meaning I can't go past the last step in the signup to submit the form. Can you please see if this can be resolved?

  3. Hi planetthoughtful,

    Thanks for reporting this. Some issues are being investigated on the DB now. As a temporary workaround, you may wish to sign up for a workspace using the URL This will go through a different path and should work for you.

    Thanks again.

