Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Is there a mailing list for APEX release announcements?

There was an interesting question today from Oracle Support, on behalf of a customer.  They asked:
"The customer would like to know if there is any mailing list or other type of subscription to be notified whenever there is a new or upgrade release of APEX."
And I answered with:

As far as mailing lists, they could always sign up for the Oracle Database Insider Newsletter.  Announcements about Oracle Application Express, SQL Developer, Oracle REST Data Services and many other database-related technologies are typically included in this newsletter.

I can also suggest that your customer:
  1. Follow Oracle Application Express on Facebook:
  2. Join the LinkedIn group:
  3. Follow @oracleapexnews on Twitter:
  4. Visit the Web site:
The APEX releases and patch sets are always announced through these social media channels.

And let's not forget, which is the clearinghouse of information for everything APEX.


  1. And you get notified in the Application Builder itself

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