Monday, January 15, 2018

The top 5 reasons why you should submit an abstract for APEX at the Great Lakes Oracle Conference (GLOC)

APEX Developer Day at Great Lakes Oracle Conference 2017

The Northeast Ohio Oracle User's Group (NEOOUG) is easily one of my favorite user groups on the planet.  They've been graciously hosting me at their user group events since 2004 (when I first gave a demonstration on Oracle HTML DB 1.5!).  They are a large, active and passionate user group.  In the past 14 years, I've seen them grow from simple user group events to "Training Days" at the Cleveland State University campus to a nicely sized regional conference named Great Lakes Oracle Conference.

If you're into Oracle APEX, either on-premises, or in the Oracle Cloud, I encourage you to submit an abstract to speak at the Great Lakes Oracle Conference.  Here are my top 5 reasons why you should strongly consider this:
  1. There is a real hunger for Oracle APEX content at this conference.  There are countless customers in the immediate region who use Oracle APEX.  Last year, they had the first ever Oracle APEX Developer Day in advance of the conference, and it was sold out (100 attendees)!
  2. It's the largest Oracle user's conference in the Midwest US.  It draws people from all over Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky and Pennsylvania.  There will be over 500 attendees at the conference in 2018.
  3. The Great Lakes Oracle Conference routinely gets world-class speakers from all over the world, both Oracle employees and Oracle ACEs.  As a speaker, you would be able to attend any session in any track.
  4. There are numerous tracks at the Great Lakes Oracle Conference, including APEX, Oracle Applications, Business Intelligence, DBA, Database Developer and Data Warehousing.
  5. Cleveland, Ohio is on the North Coast of the US.  There, you can visit Great Lakes Brewing Company, Market Garden Brewery, Platform Beer Company,  and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

I come across so many people who say "why would anyone want to hear me talk about that?"  From case studies to lessons learned to best practices in your environment, it's all interesting and valuable.  Not everyone who attends the APEX sessions at GLOC are experts, so entry-level sessions are also welcome!

I encourage you to submit an abstract today.  The deadline for abstract submission is February 2, 2018.

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