"...we are attempting to move to storing (the images) in a BLOB column in our own application tables. Is there no way to display an image outside of page items and reports? "
Basically, he has a bunch of images stored in the BLOB column of the common upload table, APEX_APPLICATION_FILES (or WWV_FLOW_FILES). He wishes to move them to a table in his workspace schema, but it's unclear to him how they can be displayed. While there is declarative support for BLOBs in Application Express, there are times where you simply wish to get a link which would return the image - and without having to add a form and report against the table containing the images.
I fully realize that this question has been answered numerous times in various books and blog posts, but I wish to reiterate it here again.
Firstly, a way not to do this is via a PL/SQL procedure that is called directly from a URL. I see this "solution" commonly documented on the Internet, and in general, it should not be followed. The default configuration of Oracle Application Express has a white list of entry points, callable from a URL. For security reasons, you absolutely want to leave this restriction in place and not relax it. This is specified as the PlsqlRequestValidationFunction for mod_plsql and security.disableDefaultExclusionList for Oracle REST Data Services (nee APEX Listener). With this default security measure in place, you will not be able to invoke a procedure in your schema from a URL. Good!
The easiest way to return an image from a URL in an APEX application is either via a RESTful Service or via an On-Demand process. This blog post will cover the On-Demand process. It's definitely easier to implement via a RESTful Service, and if you can do it via a RESTful call, that will always be much faster - Kris has a great example how to do this. However, one benefit of doing this via an On Demand process is that it will also be constrained by any conditions or authorization schemes that are in place for your APEX application (that is, if your application requires authentication and authorization, someone won't be able to access the URL unless they are likewise authenticated to your APEX application and fully authorized).
- Navigate to Application Builder -> Shared Components -> Application Items
- Click Create
- Name: FILE_ID
- Scope: Application
- Session State Protection: Unrestricted
- Navigate to Application Builder -> Shared Components -> Application Processes
- Click Create
- Point: On Demand: Run this application process when requested by a page process.
- Click Next
- For Process Text, enter the following code:
begin for c1 in (select * from my_image_table where id = :FILE_ID) loop -- sys.htp.init; sys.owa_util.mime_header( c1.mime_type, FALSE ); sys.htp.p('Content-length: ' || sys.dbms_lob.getlength( c1.blob_content)); sys.htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' || c1.filename || '"' ); sys.htp.p('Cache-Control: max-age=3600'); -- tell the browser to cache for one hour, adjust as necessary sys.owa_util.http_header_close; sys.wpg_docload.download_file( c1.blob_content ); apex_application.stop_apex_engine; end loop; end;
Then, all you need to do is construct a URL in your application which calls this application process, as described in the Application Express Application Builder Users' Guide. You could manually construct a URL using APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL, or specify a link in the declarative attributes of a Report Column. Just be sure to specify a Request of 'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GETIMAGE' (or whatever your application process name is). The URL will look something like:
That's all there is to it.
A few closing comments:
- Be mindful of the authorization scheme specified for the application process. By default, the Authorization Scheme will be "Must Not Be Public User", which is normally acceptable for applications requiring authentication. But also remember that you could restrict these links based upon other authorization schemes too.
- If you want to display the image inline instead of being downloaded by a browser, just change the Content-Disposition from 'attachment' to 'inline'.
- A reasonable extension and optimization to this code would be to add a version number to your underlying table, increment it every time the file changes, and then reference this file version number in the URL. Doing this, in combination with a Cache-Control directive in the MIME header would let the client browser cache it for a long time without ever running your On Demand Process again (and thus, saving your valuable database cycles).
- Application Processes can also be defined on the page-level, so if you wished to have the download link be constrained by the authorization scheme on a specific page, you could do this too.
- Be careful how this is used. If you don't implement some form of browser caching, then a report which displays 500 images inline on a page will result in 500 requests to the APEX engine and database, per user per page view! Ouch! And then it's a matter of time before a DBA starts hunting for the person slamming their database and reports that "APEX is killing our database". There is an excellent explanation of cache headers here.