In late 2007, I became inspired and installed some Google Analytics JavaScript code in the Login Message and System Message areas of the Application Express instance (you access this from internal administration, Manage Service -> Messages). This tracks access to the Login page and almost all of the pages in Application Builder, SQL Workshop and Utilities. It does not track any information for user-created applications - only the development environment and the general APEX login page. And it's only used for general information and also to satisfy my curiosity.
If you've ever used Google Analytics before, you're already aware of the wealth of information that is recorded. So who uses Looking at the number of visits broken down by country from December 1, 2007 through February 12, 2008:
- United States - 30%
- United Kingdom - 10.5%
- India - 10%
- Germany - 6%
- Netherlands - 3%
The top 25 are here:

I also found interesting the keywords people used on Google to navigate to Four of the top ten are related to Denes Kubicek. Congratulations, Denis!

Please don't confuse these statistics with overall scalability of this instance or Application Express. I'm only presenting the Google Analytics visits. For the past week, on, there were:
- 1,637,781 page views
- 2,093 distinct applications used in the past week
- 2,947 distinct users authenticated in the past week
- 224 new workspaces approved
- 13,745 total workspaces
Update: In response to Denes' request for the top used applications, I've found the following in descending order of activity in the past week:
PROMED: ProMED-mail Public Site
DKUBICEK: My Demo Application
EBA: Checklist Manager 1.0
EBA: Online Store 1.0
DBTOOLS: SQL Developer Exchange
OSC: OnScreen
HENRY: Avance Issue Tracker 1.0
ACES: Oracle ACEs
MIKA: MyFirehouse
PALGW: Applicant Tracking System
EBA: Asset Manager 1.0
EMAIL_HELPDESK: Email Helpdesk
JOEL2: Workspace Purge
Granted, I did have to filter some stuff out, because Application Builder and SQL Workshop are always in the top 10. Also, there are some applications for SQL Developer and JDeveloper check-for-updates which are not really relevant to Denes' question.
I think Denes is really trying to rub it in. Note how the Workspace Purge application has generated much activity as people scramble to preserve their seldom-used workspaces.
Hi Joel,
Thanks for sharing those stats, I think it's very interesting to let people know that APEX can easily support large numbers of page views on relatively 'cheap' commodity hardware.
Now I just need to get more UK people interested in APEX and we can get the UK to #1 ;)
Congratulation to Denes who has beaten me with the #1 search keyword :-)
I also have to work to get more people from Austria to have a look at
about Japan. I see that on my blog too. Not many visitors from there compared to other countries. Maybe it's a language barrier, because if you think about the number of people Japan has, statistically it should rank much higher. Maybe I should start a blog in Japanese ;-)
Hello Joel,
Thanks for posting this interesting information. As I can see, my name is almost a brand ;)
It would be interesting to know the ranking of the top ten most visited applications / workspaces on
Denes Kubicek
I updated the posting with the answer to your request. If ProMED Mail had not been recently moved to, you'd be #1.
Hi Joel,
germany takes the challenge ...
Hi joel,
Can you give some more details on the hardware config?
1- RAM;
2- Disk structure (raid, nas, etc);
3- SGA memory parameters
Sorry for the delayed reply. I don't have much information, but I'll share what I know.
1) As I said before, this is a Dell PE1950 - a relatively small, cheap server.
2) I believe almost all storage is NAS. On what, I couldn't tell you. It plugs into this big framework that Global IT manages. I couldn't even tell you if it's RAID.
3) RAC is not employed. It's a single server.
4) As far as memory, it's "16GB 667MHz (8x2GB), Dual Ranked DIMMs"
5) CPU - 2 x Dual Core XESn Processor 5148LV, 4MB Cache, 2.33GHz 1333MHz FSB
6) It's currently on, hopefully soon to be upgraded to
7) SGA_MAX_SIZE is 1536M.
I hope this helps.
I see that Australia is #7.
For such a small country (< 25 Million people) that is an excellent result.
However, I know I can improve that markedly if I just go there for a small tour, say one month.
Please approve my travel request as soon as possible :~)
Thanks Mate
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