Time is running out for the Oracle Development Tools User Group Kaleidoscope Conference in Monterey, California on 21-June-2009 through 25-June-2009. The lower cost advanced registration ends next Tuesday, 02-June-2009. The folks from ODTUG were kind enough to provide a template to use for a justification letter for your employer.
It all begins with the Application Express Symposium on Sunday, of which over 160 people are registered. Other than the opening remarks by some joker from Oracle, all other presentations at the Symposium are from customers and the community. And then there is a full agenda for the remainder of the week if you're interested in Oracle Application Express.
This is an outstanding, well-organized and well-run conference, giving customers the opportunity to interact with some of the greatest Application Express experts from around the world. This is a conference where you can listen, learn and discuss the solutions created by successful Oracle customers. Oracle is invited to participate, but this conference is run by ODTUG.
Disclaimer: I am not associated with this user group nor is there any financial incentive to me for the number of people in attendance.
Just for clarification - "the joker" doing the keynote on Sunday is none other than the author of this post!
Many of his supporting cast of fellow jokers will also be there presenting, conducting hands-on labs, and discussing everything from the latest with APEX to how the Cleavland Cavaliers faired in the NBA. Mike Hichwa, Marc Sewtz, Patrick Wolf, Jason Straub, Scott Spadafore and myself will all be there.
Promises to be the best ever conference for APEX developers.
I am game!
I'll see you guys once more in less than three weeks as i'm always happy to meet the "best of the bunch" at Oracle conferences.
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